He was 29 years of age when he was fatally shot. The homicide took place in the sidewalk in the North Lawndale Chicago neighborhood.
  • Jasmine Meredith says:

    My brother was a nice person and didn’t deserve to leave this earth the way he did,and the saddest party is that his daughter birth is the very next day October 26th,and she has to live the rest of her life with that hurt of loosing her father a day before the very day he gave her life on has been so hard to face the fact that i will never hear my brother soft whispering voice again as he tell my brother and sister’s he love us at a family fun filled event,all we have is his memories in it’s just not enough our hearts will never heal #LLKEN

  • Laila says:

    Hi Step dad me and my mom miss u Love you #JUSTICEFORKEN

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