she was 1 years of age when she was victim of child abuse. The slaying took place in the Austin Chicago neighborhood.
  • Jeanette Wright says:

    Hello, my name is Jeanette Wright I still reside at 1336 n Lorel on the first floor. I am sorry for the loss of this beautiful baby girl and still to this very day I am haunted by my poor choice of not doing my part as a parent. I am sorry I never spoke up when the detectives knocked on my door but I have limited information to tell. I know that for the full week she was on the property all day and all night most into the night I heard her cry continually. I would often ask myself who would think to leave a baby with those two misguided individuals. My heart went out to this child who was defenseless living temporarily in a house of hell with no heat. I am open for conversation to any of the family members. I am on Facebook under Jeanette Wright please feel free to reach out.

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