He was 26 years of age when he was fatally shot. The murder occurred in the basement of a building in the Austin Chicago neighborhood.
  • Lise says:

    I miss him everyday there’s not a moment goes by that I’m not thinking about your warm smile , infectious heart and that laugh My fondest memory was him laying across my bed with my children and I laughing and talking. I’m going to forever be thankful for your Dad bringing you home to us. From the day you enter our life from the moment you left you was a shining light. God knew what he was doing and he knew what we needed I’m sooooo overwhelmed but I know God makes no mistake and he would want his TT to live life to the fullest. Till we meet again

  • Antonio4ever52 says:

    My nephew was the best regardless of any errors he made in this lifetime and nothing could ever detour how he continues to be a blessing for me and my family.
    From the time he was born he held us down with a bright smile that lit up entire room and a wonderful presence that commanded attention to go along with it.
    So we feel as a family that is only fitting that we return the favor now that he’s gone and please note what we were robbed of God will handle in Jesus name AMEN!

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