He was 19 years of age when he was fatally shot. The murder happened in the street in the Irving Park Chicago neighborhood. More updates about the story can be read here. .
  • Guest says:

    I love you, and always think about you

  • Reyna says:

    Always thinking of you friend <3

  • yamili figueroa says:

    My brother may you Rest In Peace! I love you always

  • marisandry valdez says:

    My heart My soul My son! Words could never describe my pain since you’ve been gone.. you are truly missed and so loved may you rest in heaven and thank you for your wonderful visit in my dreams your smiles are priceless.. love you beyond words..from your Mother

  • Rosa Gonzalez says:

    I’m sorry this happened to you. I pray you continue to rest in heavenly peace. Give a hug to Charlie for me.

  • Reyna Christopher says:

    Love you friend. Everyday always your one of a kind and i always think of you!

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